UnFriend Finder:
It is a greasemonkey UserScrip which is developed by Edouard Gatouilla. It is Initially released on October 17, 2009
Using this userscrip we can easily learn who are making me unfriend
from there friend lest it will shown through pop up menu. Its official website is www.unfriendfinder.com
How We Will Add It with Our Browser:
See the way bellow step by step
1. 1st of all install grease monkey. For ins tall Click Here
After installing Restart your Firefox
2. Now install UnFriend Finder By clicking here
Now click install
3. Now log in your face book account. and see bellow things
4. Now see the picture how it will notify you.
5. Now see its seatings
Now Enjoy The Tips
There is an app you can install directly in Facebook. I'm using this and it works good!
ReplyDeletehere the link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Unfriend-Finder/343657649045698?sk=app_383650395022728