Virus!!!! Virus!!!! Virus !!!! This word is one of the most Buzzing word in our day to day live. It creates many problem in our computer as well as our mind( How can I solve that problem) Now I am going to solve folder hiding problem.........
For Which Reason its Happens:
This folder hiding problem happens for different types of virus. Its mainly happens for Win32 virus those who are Mail ware.
What Types of Problems it Mainly Create:
I mainly hide our removal drivers files and folders and it also create shortcut of them. The file those who are hide we can not find them normally. They hide as system file. We can not normally un hide them...... Now lets solve that problem.. ( you may like Lorias Trozan Remover 1.2.8 free download )
How to Open USB Driver's File When it is Shown as Hidden or Shortcut ( Tutorial) :
1. At first scan your pendrive with update antivirus for other virus ( Download avast with update )
2. After that open your pendrive and Delete All Shortcuts
Delete All Shortcuts
3. To view your Hidden file go to Tools>Folder Options>View and mark and un mark bellow things which is shown in the picture
Tools>Folder Options
mark and un mark
4. Now you will see all your Files and Folder which is Hidden in the system.
Hidden Files
Hidden in the system
5. To Un hide this files you have to use dose commend.. For that reason go to run then write cmd and press Enter ( By pressing Win+R you can open run)
6. When cmd Open then write attrib -h -r -s /s /d n:\*.*
Here "n" is your drive location It may be i,j,k,l.... etc
attrib -h -r -s /s /d n:\*.*
7. Now press Enter ..... You will see all Hidden will Un hide
Now don't worry enjoy
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